Author: maurice_

  • Article Level Metrics

    Article Level Metrics

    In response to Martin Fenner’s interview with himself.

    Hi Martin, I’ve got the link of you Blog Post from Najko Jahn – Bielefeld University. I wish you all the best at Plos-One ALM.

    Just for you to know as technical lead: DFG (DE), JISC (UK), DEFF (DK) and SURF (NL) worked together on guidelines for exchanging article level metrics in a transparent manner. The reason to do this is to be able to compare the statistical usage data that comes from various distributed locations, eg. repositories, but also publishers in the future. You might want to look at these KE Guidelines for the aggregation and exchange of Usage Data .
    Dutch repositories already aggregate the Article Level Metics from each repository, and can create a National overview of this data. The EU project OpenAIRE also use these guidelines for Europe-wide data exchange on these metrics. A neat thing is that the Article data can be aggregated on Author level once you know the Author ID. This is being tested in NARCIS right now, results look great.

    Plos-One ALM has been a great source of inspiration and motivation for these kind of projects, so keep up the good work!

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  • RUIN

    RUIN from OddBall Animation on Vimeo.

    RUIN – An animated short set in a post-apocalyptic universe. It’s only a tiny sliver of a much larger story. Thankfully, it’s now set up at 20th Century Fox to become a full length feature.
    Check out our new Facebook Fan Page at

  • SURE2 statistics dashboard – Feb 2012

    SURE2 statistics dashboard – Feb 2012

    As a researcher you might want to look into the webstatistics of your publications, regardless of there the publications are stored. SURE is an article level metrics infrastructure for publications stored in repositories. This presentation shows the end-results of the SURE2 project. It delivered an API and some dashboard functionalities for researchers and repositorymanagers to see the usage of their publications.

  • Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks

    From the “I have a dream” speech to Steve Jobs’ iPhone launch, all great presentations have a common architecture. In this talk, Nancy Duarte draws lessons on how to make a powerful call-to-action. (Filmed at TEDxEast.)

    Nancy Duarte believes that ideas are the most powerful tools people have. Her passion is to help every person learn to communicate their world-changing idea effectively.

  • National Research Day

    National Research Day

    Foto Moniek Kooijmans 2012
    Foto: Moniek Kooijmans 2012, vln: Maurice Vanderfeesten, Richard Zijdeman

    The first National Research Day has passed on the 9th of february 2012. I helped the keynote speaker Richard Zijdeman to introduce the myResearch Portal.
    The video below shows the entire keynote in Dutch.

    The other keynote speaker was Cameron Neylon about Networked Enabled Research. reducing friction and linking information changes fundamentally the way science is performed. Below you can follow his audio enabled talk.

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  • Peter van Uhm: Why I chose a gun

    Peter van Uhm is the Netherlands’ chief of defense, but that does not mean he is pro-war. In this talk, he explains how his career is one shaped by a love of peace, not a desire for bloodshed — and why we need armies if we want peace. (Filmed at TEDxAmsterdam.)

    General Peter van Uhm is the Chief of the Netherlands Defence staff.

  • De Cryostaat – January 2012

    De Cryostaat – January 2012

    De cryostaat from Maurice Vanderfeesten on Vimeo.

    This film is made in two days. The creation of the idea, casting of the actor, shooting the film, improvising the storyline along the away, and editing the film. It went in Première on 15th of  January 2012.This fictive film is about a scientist who separated from LERN (Low Energetics Research Network), and is conducting experiments in his study to induce time travel at atomary level.


    • Tiemen C. (Acting)
    • Maurice Vanderfeesten (Film maker)
  • De Slag bij Winter

    De Slag bij Winter

    Aankondiging: de Slag bij Winter

    Een korte film met één camera, één bouwlamp, één aggregaat en een nog totaal onbekend script.

    Felix en Maurice tonen 15 januari 2012 weer een ongekend cinematografisch hoogstandje dat in twee dagen tot stand is gekomen.

    De locatie van de shoot staat vast: de oude mijnfabriek Beringen in het Belgische Wallonië.

    De première is op zondag 15 januari 2012 om 22:00u op de Jupiterstraat 15 in Utrecht. Iedereen is van harte welkom.

    Ben je geïnteresseerd om een of twee dagen van je leven toe te wijden aan de totstandkoming van deze film, laat het dan aan ons weten. We zoeken acteurs, cateraars en publiek.

    Eerdere films:

    Embedly Powered

    via Vimeo
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  • Resilience in the Anthropocene

    Resilience in the Anthropocene

    Welkcome to the Anthropocene
    Image from the Economist

    The Age of Man, or the Anthropocene. As cultural philosopher Peter Sloterdijk wrote in his book “You have to change your life“, we are living in an age where mankind itself now is a factor of change in the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model. Peter wrote that this is the age where the human mindset for the first time is thinking globally, and is realising more and more that his actions have a global impact on many factors. These factors are part of complex intertwined global systems. These sysems can be Economic of nature, where the complex interconnection became very clear during the financial crisis, and also Ecologically of nature, where the climate crisis did it part. As written also in the Economist of May 26th 2011. “Humans have changed the way the world works. Now they have to change the way they think about it, too”. Nowadays mankind IS a significant factor in the earth-system, he can no longer stand back and ignore the fact that he should take control of the wheel. For its own survival mankind should organise itself, have a long term vision and as one organism steer the earth system in the right direction. The vision is Resilience, not sustainability. Sustainability is grasping for maintaining the status quo, Resilience is about making flexible so it can withstand dramatic change. Like the buildings build in Japan, their foundation is made flexible, so the building can withstand and absorb earth quake shocks.

    The climate top in Copenhagen 2009 showed that mankin is not ready to make the offerings to create a resilient vision. When it fails to cooperate and still hold on to its current model of Ultra Consumerism, mankind will face a grim future. The documentary called “The Age of Stupid” tell us how the world looks like in 2100 if we don’t have a globally organised mandated vision. The documentary also tells us where it went wrong.
    Age of 

    Stupid: Trailers: Original Theatrical Trailer from SPANNER FILMS on Vimeo.

    The title of the book from Peter Sloterdijk is well apt: “You must change your life”. This means: completely as we know it, in order to prevent the earth system to collapse to a point of no return. the current models will not be fit for a planet that holds billions of people striving for the Western way of life.

    At the TED conference Johan Rockström explains that the earth system has nine buffer area’s, that can take hits from ecological disaster after disaster. When that buffer is depleted, the logic of the system changes drastically, and may drive in the opposite direction. When the logic changes, it is harder to predict who the earth system will react.

    See also: Resilience Science

    The sources of energy are getting depleted in 100 years time since the start of the industrial revolution, where mankind sets aside God, and became God himself. Now mankind can create its own future, yet it has to learn how to control and steer it in the right direction.
    The challenge for mankind is to generate a different global mindset, and have faith the vision will be merciful for its future. A new world religion should be born, with its own rituals and priests, where millions of minds are mentally supporting the new world vision. Perhaps that is how to get the different global mindset. The mindful actions are the rituals, and the scientists are the preaching priests.

    So what to do now? Well, there is hope according to Prof. Louise Vet there is hope. She learns us to “Think global, act local“. In her presentation at the TEDx conferentie in Amsterdam, she teaches us that this mantra is the only solution to be flexible for future set-backs.

    TEDxAmsterdam: Louise Vet from TEDxAmsterdam on Vimeo. More at TEDxAmsterdam

    “Think global, act local”. In other words be resilient in creativity. The artists of today have this creative mindset we can set to work in the anthropocene for other things then making paintings and sculptures. In the Netherlands the government stopped subsidising the Art sector in 2011. These people are the new poor, or the new hope. They will become the new hope, only if world governments are starting realising that; to live in the Anthropocene means to start taking control over the drivers wheel. The creative of minds know how to be resilient. They are masters in wielding the steer, so let them act and play their role on a local level within society.

    Personal note: My challenge would be to enact this mantra “think global, act local” much as possible. And furthermore help others to enact this mantra as well. Currently I don’t know where to start. I can think about local farming, but that means I need to have knowledge and the time to do it. Buying the right things. Eating local food, food that comes with the season. Investing in local energy stations (solar, wind). There is this small book called “practical idealism” that would be nice to read.

    Recommended reading

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  • Closed my short film website – eendagsfilm

    Closed my short film website – eendagsfilm

    From 2007 until 2009 I was running a very successful film making platform with a friend, Leendert Oostlander (see the picture below in the video stream), in Utrecht. This platform was to offer Film makers a stage where they could make short films and show it to interested visitors in a real cinema. After 2009 we realised we couldn’t manage this with continuing our day job. It was either this or nothing.

    So we decided to hand the platform over to the community that increasingly grew. They continued in Eendags_, a platform not exclusively for film makers. So the management over the website came to a halt.

    We had a lot of fun, had good times, but it all remains to the past now. We can now look back with good memories of the time we crafted a lot of creative short films, and gave people inspiration and the possibilities to do also.

    photography by Jan Coolen; edited by Maurice Vanderfeesten

    It was called Eendagsfilm, with the logo of a One-Day Fly, to represent the starting seed and the final result of the labor of one-day film making. The film teams got a common theme in the morning, and came back in the evening with completely different interpretations. Eendagsfilm was exciting, an most of al fun! I enjoyed it.

    Today I decided to close down it’s website,, by the 1th of August 2011. In Memorial I have saved the video’s. You can watch them in the video stream above, als long as is still offering the service. The video’s can be watched on the internet, and on digital tv channels all over the world, if I take the effort to convert to MP4. All the other stuff, like pictures etc I have put in a zipfile archive. eendagsfilm-website-files

    Goodbye Eendagsfilm, I try to keep goodtimes in memory : )

    The clip below shows the first Opening of Eendagsfilm, where Leendert Oostlander is presenting the start of where it all began on November 16th 2007.

    Actually, it began on July 20th in 2007, where Leendert and I came with the concept and made our first short film (see the video section) in just one day. The audience was enthusiastic. They reminded us they liked the concept and would like to join and create short films in one day as well. So we stared looking for the right location to offer our friends a cinematic experience. Reports about this you can read on the online SAPmagazine.

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