Presentation on the ELPUB 2009 conference in Milan about Persistent Identifiers in the Knowledge Exchange context.
Author: maurice_
Silicon Valley effect for Innovating Research itself
This presentation is about thinking how we can create an environment or culture in the academic landscape that enables all the knowledge and expertise of the individuals in the research community as a whole to reach a better networkeffect for innovative research projects.
Modern Surgery – Fidling in a Holographic brain, let robots do the actual work
Heb niet een video kunnen vinden over dit onderwerp, ik denk dat ik het uit de BBC Science heb of The Economist die ik afgelopen week heb gelezen.
Video’s die het onderwerp benaderen zijn hier te vinden. De logische link tussen beide technieken is een kleine stap verwijderd van elkaar.
Holographic optics: surgery:
Artikel over de combinatie van die twee:;+Brain,…-a018716228Over tools voor onderzoekersgesproken, dit zijn dure speeltjes…
Electric car induction powered road infrastructures
Ok here is the thing. I read the briefing acticle “The electrification of motorisation” (with subtitle: “The electric-fuel-trade acid test”) in The Economist of September 5th-11th 2009, on page 73. I was excited and thrilled to read this article in the hope they could provide me with new information about this subject. Since it is The Economist wiriting, it is ofcourse about the Joule per dollar one can get out of a gas or electrical battery. The thesis continues about the bateries, new developments make Li-ion bateries faster to charge, nanotubes to give the electrones a smooth ride. etc. Then they talk about the infrastructure to recharge and to increase the range of your car. There are mentioned two possibilities: 1. charging station at fuel stations, charging a highspeed (and very expensive) battery for 80% in 30 minutes. 2. swapping stations that replace the depleted battery with a new one (see also the TED talk of Shai Agassi) .
innovation by watching evolution
Nature has come-up with elegant solutions of today’s problems.
Janine Benyus tells us about a research field that is called Biomimicry. In this field they look at strategies nature has come-up with to solve different problems, just by trail and error during the process of evolution. Let evolution work for us. is a website one can post different strategies that can be used by humans to solve problems of teoday in an elegant and natural way that keeps the planet eurth in its equilibrium.
Besides that one can innovate just by changing perspective. This talk is about the evolutionary perspective of grass.
This talk is about the aquatic-ape. A different perspective on the evolution of the homo sapience.
Incentives for innovation, based on intrinsic motivation
Dan Pink spoke on about the way traditional businesses are build is often still with the old mindset from the industrial era using incentives like the “carrot and the stick” model to increase production performance. However for more complex tasks people get paralysed when put under pressure to perform by higher rewards. Rewarding systems work better when the task is simple and the details are well scripted, like in repetitive manufacturing work.
In this clip he explains the concept, and the statistics behind it.
Since I am working at SURFfoundation, I have noticed the same behaviour. People do not want to finish a project because of the large amount of money you put in to it, but because of the intrinsic motivation and a high level of autonomy. SURFfoundation subsidises innovative research projects, half paid by SURF, the other half by universities, but even on an unbalanced budgets (say 20% SURF, 80% universities), people are prepared to step in the project. Even when there is no money incentive at all, they want to work together with different universities to tackle a problem, because their intrinsic motivation is high. The only thing SURFfoundation has to do is to facilitate cooperation infrastructure (meeting rooms and synchronising agenda’s).
Daniel Pink points out that for higher performance on complex tasks the business model should thrive on intrinsic motivation. The elements that create intrinsic motivation are, according to Daniel Pink: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. This results in a completely new business model, abbreviated by ROWE (Results Only Work Environment).
New ways of innovation in the Higher Education and Research in the Netherlands
Below you will find a thesis I have witten for the MasterClass course Innovation Management. This thesis is about how SURFfoundation (the organisation I work for) can improve the commitment of innovation of every employee throughout the organisation of every single University and Research institute that is a member of SURFfoundation.
Unfortunately for the English readers, this has been written in Dutch. For the Dutch readers, enjoy reading! 🙂
There is a Disclaimer: this thesis is only fictional, and does not reflect the way SURFfoundation is moving ahead in the future. So no rights or claims can be made or what so ever based on this thesis written below.
New ways for SURFfoundation to innovate in the Dutch Higher Education and Research field (in Dutch)
Elaine Morgan says we evolved from aquatic apes
Elaine Morgan is a tenacious proponent of the aquatic ape hypothesis: the idea that humans evolved from primate ancestors who dwelt in watery habitats. Hear her spirited defense of the idea — and her theory on why mainstream science doesn’t take it seriously.
Elaine Morgan is an octogenarian scientist, armed with an arsenal of television writing credits and feminist instincts, on a mission to prove humans evolved in water.
infrastructuur voor het wetenschappelijke informatie domein
hier komt een stuk over infrastructuur
Het gaat over de motivatie waarom we nou zo nodig moeten veranderen, is er een besef van urgentie?
kernwoorden kunnen zijn:
- infrastructuur, standaarden
- diversiteit aan diensten
- wetenschap op de dag van vandaag is conservatief
- wat weten wetenschappers over wetenschapsdynamica en wetenschapsprocessen zelf
- kort overzicht van de geldstromen
- geen systemen die een probleem oplossen waardoor dubbele informatie in dubbele formulieren moet worden ingevuld… redundantie vermijden, dus moet er opnieuw gekeken worden naar het totaalplaatje van het proces.
- besef vanurgentie: is “open access” het verhaal waarbij we moeten inhaken om een efficientere kennis cultuur te krijgen.
- hoe krijg je verandering in de cultuur verankerd? Wat is de rol van de jonge onderzoeker in deze? (is nieuwsgierig naar iets nieuws: iets voor promovendi netwerk nederland?) Wat is de rol van de gevestige onderzoeker? (hoeft zich geen zorgen te maken over zijn reputatie, kan resources vrijmaken binnen zijn vakgroep om te werken aan wetenschapsdynamica)
- urgentie: de manier waarop wetenschappers worden afgerekend moet veranderen.
- wat moet de infrastructuur bieden?.. standaarden, application program interfaces, een bibliotheek van deze koppelvlakken, semantische betekenissen aan ontologische elementen.
- welke diensten kunnen ontwikkeld worden, case studies.