

  • Onderzoek is rijker dan publicaties alleen (Research is more than publications only)
    • I have co-authored this publication. The article is about Enhanced Publications; explaining the importance of re-traceable and transparent research, and the new type of research that can be done with the abundance of semantic linking between the charted resources.
    • link: ho-managment
    • download: Onderzoek is meer dan Publicaties alleen (2012)


Technical documentations

  • OpenAIRE Usage Statistics Guidelines
    • I have given input, and connected the people working in similar area’s, to the people working in OpenAIRE, to work on an interoperable exchange format.
    • link: OpenAIRE Usage Statistics Guidelines
  • OpenAIRE Guidelines
    • I have given advice on the use of new semantically identifiable information in simple OAI_DC required for the project, such as distinguishing a grant agreement id from a phone number.
    • link: OpenAIRE Guidelines for repositories 1.1
  • Compound Objects guidelines
    • I have written the first versions of this document, making a sound and complete document.
    • The DIDL application profile in the Dutch library context is a way to describe how multiple parts of a document and its additional and related material belongs together. This is done for harvesting purposes, because the metadata itself does not contain structural information, only descriptive information. The DIDL format is chosen for its flexibility, and can be extended out of its originating context.
    • link MPEG21+DIDL+Application+Profile+for+Institutional+Repositories


  • A portal for e-theses in Europe, lesson learned from a demonstrator project, 2007,  by Maurice Vanderfeesten and Gerard van Westrienen
    • The report shows the implications when one would like to build an E-theses portal in Europe, relying on heterogeneous  harvest metadata from different distributed repository systems.
    • download ETD-LessonsLearned-Full-Report+Annex


  • Identifying Roles in Multi-Agent Systems by overhearing, Master Thesis, by Maurice Vanderfeesten
    • I did my Masters thesis about Multi-Agent systems (MAS). MAS is an environment, preferably the internet, where Autonomous software agents  can form a virtual organisations instantly, based on their needs, functions, capabilities and competences. An agent is a piece of software that is specialized in a specific function and delivers some output after it has fed input data. A network of agents together form a complex organism, like all the different parts of a human cell. In order to operate in this network each agent is acting with a different behaviour signature. This behaviour is visible to the outside world in the way each of the agents communicate to each other. A new agent entering this vibrant virtual organisation scans for the behaviour of an agent he is compatible with. My research was about to evaluate several different machine learning techniques. The agent had to scan for compatible behaviour in language, agent language, in order to hook on that conversation. The technique can be used for automated stock market insertions, but in basis also for pointing out suspicious behaviour in an array of thousands of surveillance camera’s that need to be monitored by a small number of people.
    • download INF-SCR-05-62_Identifying_Roles_In_Multi-Agent_Systems_By_Overhearing
    • link Identifying Roles in Multi-Agent Systems by overhearing
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