Tag: Article Level Metrics

  • Article Level Metrics

    Article Level Metrics

    In response to Martin Fenner’s interview with himself.

    Hi Martin, I’ve got the link of you Blog Post from Najko Jahn – Bielefeld University. I wish you all the best at Plos-One ALM.

    Just for you to know as technical lead: DFG (DE), JISC (UK), DEFF (DK) and SURF (NL) worked together on guidelines for exchanging article level metrics in a transparent manner. The reason to do this is to be able to compare the statistical usage data that comes from various distributed locations, eg. repositories, but also publishers in the future. You might want to look at these KE Guidelines for the aggregation and exchange of Usage Data .
    Dutch repositories already aggregate the Article Level Metics from each repository, and can create a National overview of this data. The EU project OpenAIRE also use these guidelines for Europe-wide data exchange on these metrics. A neat thing is that the Article data can be aggregated on Author level once you know the Author ID. This is being tested in NARCIS right now, results look great.

    Plos-One ALM has been a great source of inspiration and motivation for these kind of projects, so keep up the good work!

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