From 2007 until 2009 I was running a very successful film making platform with a friend, Leendert Oostlander (see the picture below in the video stream), in Utrecht. This platform was to offer Film makers a stage where they could make short films and show it to interested visitors in a real cinema. After 2009 we realised we couldn’t manage this with continuing our day job. It was either this or nothing.
So we decided to hand the platform over to the community that increasingly grew. They continued in Eendags_, a platform not exclusively for film makers. So the management over the website came to a halt.
We had a lot of fun, had good times, but it all remains to the past now. We can now look back with good memories of the time we crafted a lot of creative short films, and gave people inspiration and the possibilities to do also.

It was called Eendagsfilm, with the logo of a One-Day Fly, to represent the starting seed and the final result of the labor of one-day film making. The film teams got a common theme in the morning, and came back in the evening with completely different interpretations. Eendagsfilm was exciting, an most of al fun! I enjoyed it.
Today I decided to close down it’s website,, by the 1th of August 2011. In Memorial I have saved the video’s. You can watch them in the video stream above, als long as is still offering the service. The video’s can be watched on the internet, and on digital tv channels all over the world, if I take the effort to convert to MP4. All the other stuff, like pictures etc I have put in a zipfile archive. eendagsfilm-website-files
Goodbye Eendagsfilm, I try to keep goodtimes in memory : )
The clip below shows the first Opening of Eendagsfilm, where Leendert Oostlander is presenting the start of where it all began on November 16th 2007.
Actually, it began on July 20th in 2007, where Leendert and I came with the concept and made our first short film (see the video section) in just one day. The audience was enthusiastic. They reminded us they liked the concept and would like to join and create short films in one day as well. So we stared looking for the right location to offer our friends a cinematic experience. Reports about this you can read on the online SAPmagazine.