Category: Professional
Research collaboratories in the Netherlands – Nov 2010
SURFshare :: Collaboratories on Prezi
University Guest lecture about Enhanced Publications – Nov 2010
title: Enhanced Publications – Guest Lecture @Utrecht University – Design of Interactive Content by: Maurice Vanderfeesten at: Utrecht University Institute of Information Sciences, Design of Interactive Content course about: explanation about the evolution of the academic article, relations within and between. Enhanced Publications – Guest Lecture @Utrecht University – Design of Interactive Content View more…
Enhanched Publication Infrastructure – Nov 2010
at: ECO4R workhop, Keulen, Germany. Enhanced Publication Infrastructure on Prezi
Open innovation: new definitions of a book The Future of the Book. from IDEO on Vimeo.
When Idea's have Sex: serendipity in innovation
When ideas have sex: Matt Ridley on De binnenkant van organisatieverandering – Thijs Homan from Hans Mestrum on Vimeo. Hij stelt daarbij vragen die je direct kan relateren aan je eigen verander- of innovatie-case. Homan betoogt dat de focus van veranderingen meestal gericht is op de structuur, de processen en de systemen,…
New ways for online Academic Peer Review
Source: “What we’re experiencing now is the most important transformation in our reading and writing tools since the invention of movable type,” said Katherine Rowe, a Renaissance specialist and media historian at Bryn Mawr College. “The way scholarly exchange is moving is radical, and we need to think about what it means for…
Trends in Science 2.0
Onderstaand artikel gaat over de trends in Science 2.0 Link: Met dank aan: Wilfred Mijnhardt Samenvatting: Iedereen is auteur en schrijft blogs en tweets (microblog): artikelen met workflow “werk, schrijf, publiceer” daalt. (publish-then-filter approach) Meer gefragmenteerde wetenschappelijke output met ‘draft’ status Open peer review/discussies van deze wetenschappelijke fragmenten (“Liquid science”) Hiervoor moeten alle wetenschappelijke…
Identifiers Mindmap – Dec 2009
at: International Workshop on Repository Interoperability, Amsterdam, the Netherlands about: mindmap action plan from the interoperability workshop. identifiers on Prezi
New forms of Science – Blogging with open Peer Review
I present to you here Google Knol, and Diigo Google’s KNOL for Creating Knowlets Diigo annotation tool for annotating existing websites and blogs as a meta layer. Related articles by Zemanta Why I’m Not Sweating Reputation Bullets Over Google Sidewiki ( New Knol developments ( Finally a Good Use for Google Knol: Sharing…