Natalie Merchant sings from her new album, Leave Your Sleep. Lyrics from near-forgotten 19th-century poetry pair with her unmistakable voice for a performance that brought the TED audience to its feet.
Natalie Merchant’s career spans three decades — as the leader of 10,000 Maniacs and in her own solo work — of making warmly personal music.
Doing research is creating value to information. Knowledge building upon knowledge. This chain can be created in enhanced publications, where ordinary web resources are collected en semantically related to enhanced publications. The semantic relations are important for future applications in the semantic web.
Currently I am reading the book “Enterprise Architecture at Work“. Chapter 3 describes the importance of the communication to all the stakeholders. Also Architecture is finding the balance between the right level of abstraction. My job is to have a proof-of-concept Infrastructure ready in 2010 for enhanced publications. What I would like to do is to let the SURF community work on this architecture. Starting with an abstract model where they can zoom in to fill in the details.
This only describes the workflow. We need to have architecture sessions to describe the building blocks, used in the DYA framework. Connections and interfaces and standards for these interfaces need to be described. And soon after that, there needs to be several proof of concepts.
12-17 januari 2010 komt reisleraar Peter Gomez uit Karma Guen (Spanje) naar Nederland om een bezoek te brengen aan een aantal van onze Diamantweg centra en daar lezingen te geven. De lezingen worden gegeven in het Engels. Om de reiskosten te betalen vragen we een bijdrage van 7 euro per lezing.
Object Reuse and Exchange (ORE) is a framework for creating collections of related scientific work. ORE an initiative of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI). Web resources can be related to one another in a semantic webmachine readable way. The collections or aggregations of web resources can be stored in distributed locations such as web pages and online archives. This in contrast to web services that are locking-in the data, so other users are obliged to use the same service.
When many many aggregations are made one is able to discover or detect other web resources related to another. For example a publication C can be discovered that has used the same data set B as does publication A.
The video below shows a firefox plugin that is able to visually create aggregations of web resources. It is called aus-e-lit and will be available in January 2010.
This system has a few drawbacks for now that we see, that should be read as suggested improvements.
the plug-in uses the API‘s of the Fedora Commons archive directly. This should be a SWORD APP (Atom Publication Profile) client. SWORD is an interoperable protocol that can be used by far more archives.
The content of the send aggregation should then be in RDF, standardised according to the Enhanced Publications object model delivered in the European DRIVER-II project.
The fields the user has to fill-out are Library-minded. The namespace prefixes that are used, such as dc: and ore:, doesn’t bring the researcher any value-added information, even might confuse the user.
Enhanced Publication object model, defined in the European project DRIVER-II in 2008
This concerns our generation where energy consumption is based on oil. Everything we know and think about is oil, and we have degrades our anchient methods to absorb a setback.
Not sustainability but resilience.
According to … “We worship energy, war is fought for what we worship”.
Ok, it is not only oil reserves are decreasing. it is also fresh water, and fosforous. The basic elements that we need as an ecological system to survive.
Waar reviews en price tanges, stores en categories aan de zoekresultaten worden toegevoegd.
Mijn eerste leken vraag: Betekent dit dat ze onze variant van structured data (RDF/XML) niet doorzoeken?
Verder op de Google Blog staat:
What’s next?
We’ll be continuing experiments with new types (beyond reviews and people) and hope to announce support for more types in the future.
…..We do believe that it is important to have a common vocabulary: the language of object types, object properties, and property types that enable structured data to be understood by different applications. We debated how to address this vocabulary problem, and concluded that we needed to make an investment. Google will, working together with others, host a vocabulary that various Google services and other websites can use. We are starting with a small list, which we hope to extend over time.….
…We’re convinced that structured data makes the web better, and we’ve worked hard to expand Rich Snippets to more search results and collect your feedback along the way…
Zij leveren een service die semantiek kan toevoegen aan bijvoorbeeld blogs, en andere content op websites.
Lijkt me erg relevant om eens te kijken hoe ze dit dan doen…. O en ze zijn powered by…. Thomson en Reuters .
De Grote jongens die gaan dus langzaam maar zeker ook de kant op van het semantisch web.
Tot slot vond ik weer eens een filmpje van Sir tim; waar wij uitkwam op de proof (on vooral) Trust issues; ditmaal met de insteek of die apps die structured data tot zich nemen te vertrouwen zijn en niet de data zelf; maar het principe is volgens mij hetzelfde:instappen op minuut 18 a 19 zouo ongeveer het stukje over trust moeten opleveren:
This workshop I have organised with a lot of top researchers to explore the idea’s one could deliver as a service with the current status quo of technologies that sits around in labaratories in the Dutch Research Institutes. The focus was the research workflow and process in order to make scientific assessments.
You can find the complete report and the many results from the 80 participant of the Workshop here: