
  • Creatieve Innovatie

    From their web site: “A ‘different perspective’ on things, a shift of perspective makes innovation possible. `To our concern hierarchical organization models and related tasks make ‘creative innovation’ impossible. That is why The Beach operates as a network of people and organizations that emrace openness, involvement and interaction. We are convinced that shaping the future requires different way of thinking, looking and interacting. Seeking and finding new shared meanings are central to our approach. ”

  • open voor business

    Het Open Source model voor bedrijfsvoering

    The authors Jaap Bloem and Menno van Doorn from the consultancy company Sogeti describe how to setup a Open Innovation business model based upon the Open Source Software model. It describes how one can use empowered employees with greater autonomy to create innovitive products or services and create greater trust due to the transparancy. Open for Business is only in Dutch.

    Click to access open4business.pdf

  • De verstedelijking

    De verstedelijking van het dierenrijk